What is it about the water in Southwest Michigan?
Posted on Saturday, October 24th, 2009 at 1:33 pmIn my apartment, everything – with the possible exception of human skin – touched by running water turns some shade of rusty brown. This seems to be true whether the surface is porcelain, plastic or whatever.
I am not some kind of housekeeping genius (I can supply testimonials) or neat-freak by any means – actually I could appear on one of those reality hoarding programs – but trying to keep the tub, toilet, sinks, and dishes a color approximating white or at least eggshell is driving me crazy.
The problem might be, in part, the fact that I have to use water – the thing that’s causing the discoloration – to clean the stains. Sort of like putting out a fire by throwing matchbooks at it.
Wow, you updated your blog ! Not that you do not do plenty of other writing. As far as brown water, that is because Michigan imports its water from Canada, who are looking for any possible way to irritate their big brother down South. Talk to a Canadian, they can help. Stop by my blog sometime, I need readers, although as that goes it is getter better by the day. http://www.somewherebetweeartandlove.blogspot.com